The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program provides incentives and support to help refugee families to increase their earned income and reduce or eliminate their dependence on public assistance programs while they achieve life skills that enable independent living to become self-sufficient members of American society.
Beyond90 Ministries administrates the program, and partners with local resettlement agencies, NGO’s and other non-profits to coordinate services for FSS families. FSS families are referred to services and educational opportunities that can lead to improved employment and earned income. Such services might include child care, transportation, education, job training, employment counseling, financial literacy, and homeownership counseling.
Families entering the FSS program collaborate with personnel to develop goals toward self-sufficiency. These goals may include ESL, life skills training, education, specialized training, job readiness, placement and career advancement activities.
Refugees are in survival mode from the day they arrive but especially at the 90 day mark when their government funds end. They need additional support and encouragement to continue their journey of stability and integration. Beyond90 believes this continued stability can be achieved by providing a nurturing housing environment that offers support, encouragement and a program that provides a hand-up to continue their journey to self-sufficiency. Beyond90 will be their community champions - by making their achievements a big deal, they will become a big deal to them.
Collaboration - Setting goals together to achieve results
Coordination - Working together to achieve results through barrier reduction
Celebration - Making a big deal about their achieved results
This model has three developmental stages called G-A-P and becomes the bridge from the initial time after resettlement to self-sufficiency.

GAIN KNOWLEDGE - refugee will observe and learn about American society, the differences and what will be necessary to become self-sufficient and live independently. During this stage they will be encouraged to develop a growth mindset – a “can do” attitude knowing they will be supported on their journey.
ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY - refugee will begin to “take charge” of what they learned in stage "G" and start learning how “to do.” Assistance will be provided as needed by Beyond90 Ministry representatives. As repetition aids learning, the refugee will over time demonstrate achievement of everyday tasks necessary to live and function independently.
PARTNER UP - refugee will have made significant improvements in learning independent living skills and have advanced in ESL to a level that they can be partnered with a newer family to help with translation and encourage their continued growth and participation in the Program.
If you are the type of person that loves building relationships especially with people of other cultures, then this is the volunteer position you have been looking for. We need people who want to invest in their personal development. Time commitment is approx 1 hour each week. You will help them with the action goals in their self-sufficiency plan. We provide the plan and support you'll need, and you get to spend your time building relationship and making a difference in their lives. Don't have time to personally invest? $80/month supports a family and provides them monetary rewards for working towards and completing their goals. All monetary rewards are applied directly to their JEA or rent.